Thursday, March 3, 2011

Isn't It Ironic

    Isn't it ironic that the UN now has to deal with real problems in the Middle East? Just a short period of time after the UN Security Council overwhelmingly voted to condemn Israel once again, and only thanks to a remorseful US veto with apologies, the resolution did not pass. Now this scam of a world body has to deal with Human Rights Violations all across the Middle East especially in Libya .The death toll keeps rising into the thousands and there is a threat of biological attacks against their very own citizens by none other then that human rights champion ,Kadafi. The great leader of the Libyan nation that has been sitting on the UN human rights council and very helpful in bringing anti Israel hatred to that body.

   Soon the entire Middle Eastern Arab world will be on fire. All the excitement about Egypt is starting to subside as we see countries like Libya with a huge leadership gap starting to turn into another Afghanistan over night. We all know the true reason behind the unrest in the Middle East; it’s the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
If only the Jewish state would just keep denying their citizens, who have lost many close relatives defending their homeland, the right to live in peace and raise their families and work their fields and live the good life  side by side, the way it was before the Oslo Accords . Israel of course is to blame, responsible for all the conflicts in this region and even world wide.

    Wasting precious time condemning Israel all the time masks the true evils around the Middle East. These regimes are at best not gunning down their citizens in the streets, yet they are denying people basic human rights and the ability to feed their family. Being killed for speaking out, or tortured for the sport of it, runs rampant in these countries. But the UN, Obama, the EU, Russia, is constantly pressuring Israel to allow another such state, to exist, right next door. The UN concerns themselves very little about this tiny Jewish State that is sitting in between all of this upheaval where hatred death and destruction toward Israel is part of the rants by the protestors.
         Labeling the settlements illegal only encourages more violent behavior against the US and of course Israel. The leaders of the world are shaking in their boots as the price of oil is starting to boil over. Leaders starting with that magnificent orator in the White House are so confused they don't know which way to turn.
Osama’s engagement policy, constant bashing the State of Israel, glorifying the Muslim world while knocking the legs out of Americas' strong world standing, has caused a domino affect that is spreading throughout the Arab world.

     It is so ironic that just last Friday all members of the Security Council minus the administrations apologetic veto, declared the settlements illegal! Hooray! They did again they condemned Israel.
This is already taken place as Egypt, Yemen Tunisia Algeria and even Iran was starting to heat up. The UN didn't have time to deal with a serious crisis that was threatening the entire Middle East if not the entire world, but they did have time to condemn Israel.
        Statements by the Obama administration, Russia and the circus quartet, i.e. the EU quartet should begin streaming out any time now! The Israelis and the Palestinians need to find a way to negotiate. This is the root of all the problems that are taking part across the Arab world. Israel has to find a way to make it happen. Israel must stop building homes for their young families to move into. There should be no medical facilities for these illegal settlers and of course new schools and places of worship only infuriate the Arabs living on these Jewish lands.

   I know that seems over the top even for me, but just wait a few more days and weeks .Didn't take long for the international media to condemn the Netanyahu government for not being more sympathetic to the Egyptians on the street. It won't be long now: Israel must sit down and negotiate a two state solution ...bla.. bla.bla..... We have heard it all before.

     Luckily, there is a solution to all the upheaval in the Middle East. It seems to always come down the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Let's just have the intelligent world body, the UN, demand that the kingdom of Jordan, hand over land for their occupied Palestinians. The Palestinians can then set up a state living side by side with Israel and of course Jordan. This will finally solve that long overdue misplacement of the Palestinians and reward them the state they truly deserve. There will then be one more Arab state burning up the skies. At least it won't be happening on the on the Jewish Homeland of Judea and Samaria.

A View from Jon's Place
March 1, 2011